Height and weight resources

Average male height

This page includes information about the average height of men. For more information click here.

Average female height

This page includes information about the average height of women. For more information click here.

Average Height and Weight for Men

This page includes information about the average height of men around the world. For more information click here.

Average Height and Weight for Women

This page includes information about the average height of women around the world. For more information click here.

Why average height?

We created this site to make sure you are fully aware of world wide height averages and if you are still growing, this data will benefit you in keeping track of your own progress as you grow. Soon we will include the average heights of animals and many things that may be of interest to you. Please check back often as we update our site.

What does average mean?




a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean: Her golf average is in the 90s. My average in science has gone from B to C this semester.


of or pertaining to an average; estimated by average; forming an average: The average rainfall there is 180 inches.


to find an average value for (a variable quantity); reduce to a mean: We averaged the price of milk in five neighborhood stores.


intermediate - commonplace - mainstream - tolerable - customary - mediocre - ordinary

The average height and weight for men and women

Body Mass Index BMI Chart