Average Female Height

Average Female Height

A captivating topic, the average height of women has seen a lot of transformations. While many consider height a sign of good health, nutrition and genetics play a crucial role. It is also worth noting that social and cultural issues can contribute to the height of women. In this article, we will investigate the global average female height and discuss various factors that have led to its current state.

The table below shows a brief summary of average heights for women. For a more comprehensive list across different countries, visit our post entitled, Average Female Height By Country.

Table: Average Female Height Chart
Category Data
Global Average Height Around 160 cm (5 feet 3 inches)
Average Height in US Slightly less than 5 feet 4 inches (around 162 cm)
Genetic Factors Same as Men (HGH, IGF-1 genes)
Hormonal Factors Same as Men (IGF-1, growth hormone)
Environmental Factors Same as Men (Nutrition, economic status, medical access)
Societal Implications Same as Men (Self-esteem, job prospects, social interactions)
Country-specific Average Height Varies across different countries, e.g. Netherlands (taller) vs. Guatemala (shorter)
Economic Standing No information available in the text, but research suggests a similar trend as men (taller women potentially earning more)

Average Height of Women Worldwide

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that around the world, women’s average height is around 158.8 cm (5 feet 2 inches). Besides, this figure may vary from one place to another; even within countries, there can be differences based on regions or ethnic groups.

Regional Variations

There are significant variations in average female height between different regions. Here is an example. Women in Bangladesh have an average height of 152.5 cm (5 feet 0 inches). Those who live in the Netherlands measure around 172.7 cm (5 feet 8 inches). Primarily, these differences result from varying levels of nutrition, healthcare, and living conditions.

Factors Influencing Average Female Height

Several factors are responsible for the average height of women. They include:

Nutrition: Sufficient nourishment is necessary for growth. Proper growth necessitates a diet high in protein, calcium, and other vital nutrients.

Healthcare: Good quality medical care can have a significant effect on the average height of women. Areas with scarce healthcare facilities see a higher prevalence of stunting and malnutrition. These can lead to shorter average female heights in these populations.

Genetics: There is a significant influence of genetic factors on height determination. While it is true that environmental conditions can affect growth and development. Genetics also plays a part in this regard.

Sociocultural Aspects: The concept of beauty and body image is influenced by various social and cultural norms. These norms may affect the perception of the height of women as well.


The average female height is a complex and multifaceted topic influenced by many factors. There are significant variations in average female height across regions and countries. Understanding the factors that contribute to these variations can provide valuable insights into societal norms.

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